Collection Offers

Discover how to optimize your NFT collection purchases with Collection Offers on Bidds. This feature enables you to make offers on entire collections, saving time and providing sellers with the option to quickly liquidate their assets. Learn how Collection Offers function and how to maximize their potential.

Collection Offers on Bidds offer a streamlined approach to bidding on entire NFT collections. Instead of placing offers on individual items, you can set a price for the whole collection, saving time and effort. This feature is especially useful when bidding close to the floor price, as it eliminates the need for item-by-item offers.

To create a collection offer, First, go to the NFT collection where you'd like to place a collection offer.

On the Collection page, you'll find the "Collection Offer" button located at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Clicking the button will open the Collection Offer Modal, where you can initiate the process of creating collection offers.

As visible in the figure below, you can easily select the quantity of offers you want to bring out, and the corresponding price with it.

When you have confirmed all of the details and are ready to continue, click the "PLACE BIDD" button on the bottom of the modal.

After initiating the transaction, a confirmation message or prompt will be displayed from the wallet that you're using. Follow the instructions provided to complete the bidd process. Typically, you will need to open your wallet software or extension and confirm the transaction from there.

Once signed, the bidds are live!

Ladder Collection Offers (optional)

Additionally, you can set a laddered collection offer. This type of collection offer decreases the price of each sequential bidd with the percentage that you choose. Note that a laddered collection offer is only possible if your quantity is >1.

Trait Based Collection Offers (optional)

When the Collection Offer Modal is open, you are presented with the opportunity to create a collection offer based on specific traits. To do this, toggle the "Trait" button on the modal.

A search bar will appear, and you can search & select multiple attributes to make an offer on.

Last updated