Technical Aspects

1. NFT Collection Contract

  • Core Functionality: Manages the lifecycle of NFT collections, including minting, burning, freezing, and unfreezing of NFTs. Tailored for handling unique attributes and metadata of each NFT.

  • Whitelisting Feature: Enables specific wallets to be whitelisted for holding or transacting in certain NFTs, enhancing control and exclusivity for special collections.

  • Allowed Minters: Facilitates collaborations by allowing a list of authorized minters beyond the contract owner.

2. Marketplace Contract

  • Primary Operations: Supports listing and unlisting of NFTs, offering both fixed price and auction formats.

  • Offer Management: Dynamic trading environment enabled through functionalities for creating, accepting, rejecting, and removing offers on NFTs.

  • Batch Functions: Batch operations for listing, offering, and buying multiple NFTs, enhancing user efficiency.

  • Upgradeability: Designed for future adaptability using CosmWasm contract migration for new feature integration.

3. Launchpad Launch Contract

  • Launch Initiator: Responsible for launching individual launchpad contracts for different types of sales, such as Random, Non-Random, and Category sales.

  • Aggregator: Has the ability to list all Bidds launchpads and aggregate data from these launchpads.

  • Late Reveal Support: Considers potential features like late reveals by altering URI/Base URI post-minting.

4. Launchpad Contract

  • Sale Type Support: Accommodates various sale types and minting options, including multi-currency pricing and configurable minting times.

  • Whitelisting and Fiat Integration: Allows for category-specific whitelisting and supports fiat-based minting options for traditional currency transactions.

5. Domain Name Resolver Contract

  • Domain and Subdomain Management: Manages human-readable domain names, mapping them to wallet addresses or other identifiers on the Coreum blockchain. Allows for the creation of multiple subdomains under a single primary domain.

  • Resolver Structure: Features a versatile structure for domain resolution, capable of associating different types of records with domain names, such as URLs, IP addresses, and Coreum addresses.

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